Category: Science

There’s Gold in Them There…Sewage?

According to this article in the Guardian, scientists are looking at extracting valuable metals from human waste.

Sewage sludge contains traces of gold, silver and platinum at levels that would be seen as commercially viable by traditional prospectors. “The gold we found was at the level of a minimal mineral deposit,” said Kathleen Smith, of the US Geological Survey.
Smith and her colleagues argue that extracting metals from waste could also help limit the release of harmful metals, such as lead, into the environment in fertilisers and reduce the amount of toxic sewage that has to be buried or burnt.

Bad jokes aside, this is actually an interesting concept. It also reinforces the concept that as the price for a commodity rises, human ingenuity will come up with new ways to access those commodities. 

In this case, the commode. (Sorry, couldn’t help myself).

Friday Quote – Margaret Thatcher

From my experience let me say this: in today’s world it is no bad thing for a politician to have had the benefit of a scientific background. And not only politicians. Those who work in industry, in commerce, in investment. Indeed, so important has it become that I believe we are right to make science a compulsory subject for all schoolchildren.

Margaret Thatcher

Physics Gives Lazy People Another Reason To Be Late

Scientists over at Boulder, Colorado, have developed the what looks like the most advanced and accurate clock. Plus, it will keep precise time for five billion years (5,000,000,000 yrs). That’s amazing engineering.

Unintended side effect:

But this new clock has run into a big problem: This thing we call time doesn’t tick at the same rate everywhere in the universe. Or even on our planet.

If you took two of these clocks and put one higher even a few inches, the two clocks would start reading time differently. Not much, but that difference would build up.

Why? Gravity. In fact, one of the proposed uses of this kind of device is to measure gravity to help get a better picture of the make-up of the planet.

Science is cool.

Friday Quote- Brian Cox

The problem with the world today is that everyone believes they have the right to express an opinion AND have others listen to it.

The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to express an opinion, but crucially, that opinion may be roundly ignored, even be made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably NONSENSE.

Professor Brian Cox

Friday Quote – Neil deGrasse Tyson

I’m optimistic. I see no longer people accepting fuzzy thinking in the world. The change is not that people aren’t still saying under-informed things. The change is that if you’re in power and you say something under-informed, there are people out there with a voice who will take you to task for saying so.”

Neil deGrasse Tyson

The marketplace of ideas is truly a wonderful thing.