Category: RKBA

Links Time!

First, the serious ones.

Salman Rushdie was brutally stabbed before he was about to give a talk on free speech. From the USA Today article: Rushdie’s agent, Andrew Wylie of The Wylie Agency, said the writer was on a ventilator Friday evening, with a damaged liver, severed nerves in an arm and an eye he was likely to lose. The article says a suspect was taken into but authorities did not have any indication of a motive. Hmm…. I mean, it couldn’t have anything to do with the death decree the Iranians put him under decades ago, could it?

Speaking of New York, there are indications of a breakout of polio. There was a chance, a good chance, that polio could have been eliminated – much like smallpox. Instead, the US government co-opted polio workers. Which, of course, became known. Which, of course, meant certain local populaces wouldn’t take the vaccine. Which, of course, is expanded by the anti-vax movement.

Next a some Reason articles that came to my attention:

First, DC Circuit upholds the bump stock ban. From the article: It concluded that the new reading of the law—which contradicts the position that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) consistently took before then-President Donald Trump demanded that the agency ban bump stocks by administrative fiat—is “the best interpretation of the statute.” Even with the NYSRPA ruling, we have years of court cases to see how that decision will filter out among the courts.

In the vein of government knowing better comes an article about how politicians are trying to zone out mobile homes. From the article: From Texas to West Virginia and almost everywhere in between, you’ll find zoning laws that aren’t so subtle in banning mobile homes and mobile home parks altogether. From urban to suburban to rural areas, legislation is being considered and often passed into law that tacks on costs, makes it harder to own a mobile home, and in many cases makes it untenable to ever build a new mobile home park. In my particular opinion, mobile homes are the payday loans of the housing market. They’re flimsy and overpriced and have many hidden costs that hurt the people they’re supposedly aimed at. None of which means I think they should be illegal. I’d much rather have a bunch of mobile home parks than the disaster of people not being able to find any shelter.

FIRE is still doing good work. In this case, taking on a community college whose leadership conspired to censor anti-communist flyers. This is my shocked face.

Now let’s do some lighter items:

There’s a cat café up in Tampa. And if you really like the kitty you’re playing with, you can adopt it. I may have to take The Wife up for this.

Via The Brother comes an ArsTechnica article about a recent Excel esports competition on ESPN. Okay, first, I find it highly amusing that ESPN turns one of its channels into ESPN8: The Ocho once a year with a focus on “seldom seen sports”. Second, I find it amusing that it does feature a dodgeball competition. Third, I fucking adore an Excel competition – and it is just as amazing as I hoped.

Finally, a video that amused me more than it probably should:

Time To Clear The Browser Tabs…

Hmm… It looks like even WaPo is realizing that black women are buying more guns. They also realize there are more than just the stereotypical firearms trainers out there.

Probably to get some actual carbon-free sources, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is going to certify a new nuclear reactor design. From the ArsTechnica article: “The design, from a company called NuScale, is a small modular reactor that can be constructed at a central facility and then moved to the site where it will be operated.” Hopefully, they can use this to start decommissioning some of the older traditional plants.

I’m just going to steal TFB’s headline for this one. The Gunshine State: Florida Ranks Only 41st in FFL Numbers.” This is both annoying and somewhat unsurprising.

On to some lighter items:

Those crazy Hungarians! Who else but the descendants of Steppe barbarians would decide the best way to fight a big fire was to mount a couple of jet engines to a tank.

From The Brother (who is a board game addict): SABATON HAS A BOARD GAME!

Links Time Again

First, in case you haven’t heard, the report on the massive failures during the Uvalde shooting was released. Reason’s J.D. Tuccille takes the normal sacred goats to the woodshed. “If you really need further evidence of how foolish it is to surrender your right to protect yourself and defer to government employees who are supposed to assume that responsibility, the record of police non-response during the Uvalde mass murder should do the job. Those who, in the future, continue to insist that we disarm ourselves and venerate government enforcers who are tasked to protect us should be unceremoniously kicked to the curb.”

Second, while Texas cops were too afraid to confront a gunman, an Indiana concealed carrier wasn’t. Some asshole started opening fire, and Elisjsha Dicken ventilated said asshole. From apparently forty yards away. Per the New York Post article: “We’re very thankful for a young 22-year-old man who stopped this violent act,” Greenwood Mayor Mark Myers said. “This young man, Greenwood’s good Samaritan, acted within seconds, stopping the shooter and saving countless lives.”

Lastly, for our light item, comes a Gizmodo article on Hasbro allowing anyone to turn themselves into an action figure. Face scanning is done through the Hasbro Pulse mobile app available for iOS and Android, and fans will be able to base their action figure on “classic to current characters seen across popular films, television series and comics.” Initially, that will include costumes based on G.I. Joe, Ghostbusters, Power Rangers, Marvel, and designs inspired by Star Wars characters. You probably won’t be able to slap your face on Princess Leia’s body, or get a green face lift to become Yoda—but a provided press release did mention at the least an X-Wing pilot, so you can probably imagine what other kinds of generic bodies could be used.

Blogus Quietus

Some of you may have noticed little activity beyond the normal Tuesday Metal and Friday Quotes. Honestly, there’s been stuff going on around Ward Manor. The big one was painters coming and adding color to the first floor walls. Which required taking everything off the walls. And moving furniture. Honestly, it was just this side of a move.

I haven’t talked much about Uvalde because every time I start a post, new stuff comes to light. This whole clusterfuck feels like Parkland 2.0. And I expect the same amount of officials to be held accountable. The calls for “something to be done” seem a bit stronger, and they’re coming from more angles, but I just don’t know if it’s enough to get through the gristmill that is modern American politics.

I’m feeling a bit drained and unmotivated, which means less desire to blog. I’m still plucking away at fixing old posts. That actually is kind of draining. Particularly when I’m seeing a five-year-old post where I’m making the same arguments as today.

Expect more antics at Ward Manor, less politics, and maybe some speechifying.

Buffalo Murders

I’m not sure what to say on this that hasn’t been said in previous murders. The dude was sick and found an ideology that encouraged his desires. Blasting his name and picture all over the media is giving him what he wants. Politicians and the chattering class will use this to gain advantage. The same talking points will be debated. No solutions will be found.

And we’ll do this song and dance again.

Wednesday Links

Turning to the continuing fiasco that is the NRA, John Richardson over at No Lawyers, Only Guns and Money that Allen West has agreed to run against Wayne LaPierre for EVP of the NRA.

Lawrence Peterson, over at his Battleswarm Blog agrees that WLP needs to go, but West might not be the best person to clean house.

Randy Weaver passed away last week. I agree with McThag that he wasn’t the hero some in the gun community make him out to be. That didn’t mean he or his family deserved what happened to them.

Speaking of notable deaths, Fred Ward passed away last week as well. Tremors had a lot more influence on a young Derek Ward’s taste in movies than I like to admit. And Tremors 2.

To end this post on the lighter side, Lego is releasing an Optimus Prime set in June. And it transforms! I’m interested, but $170 is a little steep for me at the moment. Got things to save up for.

WTF Is Happening To My State?

This is a weird time in politics. Both of the major parties are being swept by their extremes, and its turning politics less about solving issues and more about performance art with state-sanctioned violence.

Case in point, the Florida legislature rescinded Disney’s special district. Over at National Review, Charles Cooke does a masterful job of explaining why that’s a bad idea.

Those who have defended the move argue that sticking it to Disney in this matter demonstrates that the Republican Party is willing to “fight” and will thus represent a victory for conservatism. But this is silly. Admirably, Governor DeSantis has already fought Disney, and he has already won. The policy about which Disney chose stupidly to complain is now Florida law. It passed both houses of the state legislature; it was signed by DeSantis, who had been correctly defiant in the face of Disney’s gripes; and it enjoys the support of broad majorities of Floridians. There is no need for the Republican Party of Florida to salt the earth here; it has prevailed in every particular.

Just as DeSantis is using his position as governor to prepare for a run for the White House, we have Nikki Fried suing over marijuana users being prohibited from possessing firearms. While I personally agree with this move, I do not believe for a second that Fried is doing this out of personal conviction. Other than the personal conviction that she doesn’t want to be a felon for holding both a medical marijuana card and a concealed weapons license. Considering all the money she’s taken from gun control groups, as well as all the clusterfucks she’s thrown into the CCW system.

More Reason Links

A trio of recent Reason articles for you today.

First, an article from the Volokh Conspiracy on two policies Zelensky enacted that should be repealed. Plus, there’s the whole criminalizing other political parties.

Second, a semi-secret organization spying on Americans- the post office.

Lastly, an article on the failure of gun control studies. Not just that they failed to show gun control works, but that the vast majority were just badly done studies.

Who Would Fight?

Going around my feeds and podcasts was a recent poll on if Americans would fight if the country was invaded.

From National Review

As part of a recent survey of attitudes toward Russia’s execrable invasion of Ukraine, the polling firm Quinnipiac asked Americans whether they would stay and fight if the United States were invaded by Russia. The results make sobering — and often disgraceful — reading. Sixty-eight percent of Republicans said that they would “stay and fight,” with 25 percent indicating that they’d run away. Among independents, those numbers are 57–36. Among Democrats, they’re in negative territory, at 40–52. Among 50- to 64-year-old men and women, the stay/leave numbers are 66/28. Among 18- to 34-year-olds, they are 45/48. Or, to put it another way: A majority of the prime-aged Americans whom the United States would need were such a crisis to arise imagine that they would flee if that crisis ever came.

There’s been a lot of hay being made on how few 18 to 34 year-olds said they would stay and fight. Most of the ones I read/heard talk about “failure to instill respect of country”, “nothing at stake”, or “doesn’t understand the importance”. Some of that’s probably true, but there’s one theory I haven’t heard. Deferment to authority.

We’ve been telling kids for a generation to let the grown-ups handle conflict. Don’t do it yourself, but wait for the proper authorities. Could that have bled into letting the proper authorities fight? Particularly in a society that keeps stressing letting only those trained to do a specific task? That you need credentials to do something?

Remington To Pay the Danegeld

Well, kinda. According to the USAToday article, it was more the insurers of the rump of Remington who agreed to shell out $73 million to the plaintiffs. This is the part of the article that worries me more:

As part of the settlement, Remington also agreed to allow the families to release documents they obtained during the lawsuit, including ones that show how the gunmaker marketed the weapon, said Joshua Koskoff, lead attorney representing the families, at Tuesday’s news conference.

Hockley said the families “can’t wait” to release the thousands of internal documents they obtained, which she said “paint a picture of a company that lost its way choosing more aggressive marketing campaigns for profit, with no thought to the impact.”

“From the beginning, it was not about money,” Koskoff said. “It was about getting answers, learning about these decisions.”

He added: “The linchpin of this settlement is that it allows these families the right to share the information as to what they learned.

The money is part of it, but they’re going to reap millions more worth of PR from how they “share” all of this discovery information with their willing partners in the corporate media. They’ve also poked a hole in the PLCAA, which does not bode well for the future.

I wonder if anyone over at the NSSF has considered the idea of a legal fund for the gun companies. Kind of like the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Fund. Everyone pays in and that fund is dedicated to fighting this kind of bullshit. Because make no mistake, there will be another to pay the Danegeld if they do not have their allies to support them.