SHOT Show was last week – which meant a slew of new product introductions. While there wasn’t anything that made me go “I want to use my gun budget on that” there were a few items of interest.
If there were any that made me want to earmark gun budget money, it would be either the new Mossberg 940 Thunder Ranch Edition or Beretta’s upgraded 1301. I want to upgrade from my Mossberg 590 to an autoloader and those two brands have been doing some interesting things with their autoloader lines.
It definitely seemed like lever guns were in vogue this year. Smith’s new entry into this category is interesting, but I wish they’d introduced a .357 Magnum version as well. I don’t have a .44 revolver, but I have one in .357.
The Rhineland Arms R3000 is one of those guns that would be really interesting if I had unlimited gun resources, but when I go for my .308 / 7.62mm NATO autoloader, I will probably go with something in a more conventional pattern.
There was one item that I might pick up when it becomes available. Magpul announced a line of translucent P-Mags.