Since the kids had the day off from school, I thought it would be a good day for my niece’s first trip to the range.
Why yes, that is a seven-year-old girl blasting away with an M&P-15/22! And she wants her own rifle for her next birthday.
The Stories and Novels By Derek Ward
Or Vera. Vera works too.
H/t Weerd
Sometimes I post some material over there that I don’t here. These are a couple of items:
Fun: Taking my nephew shooting.
More fun: Getting my nephew to tell his mother “There has been a good killing.”
Coworker comes into my office to discuss a joint assignment. Before he leaves, he turns and asks me if I can smell the faint odor. The question isn’t as rude as it sounds, because we’ve had issues with the building.
Me: Yes, it’s leather dye.
CW: From what?
Me: My new belt.
CW: I don’t remember that smell from any of my belts.
Me: That’s because you buy your belts where you get your clothes from. I buy my belts where I get my holsters from.
Lightbulb goes off and my coworker wanders off.
Reputation defended for the day.
These are just too amusing.
It is also in the interests of a tyrant to keep his people poor, so that they may not be able to afford the cost of protecting themselves by arms and be so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time for rebellion.
Registration and licensing fees, anyone?
Healthcare workers treating Ebola patients would be banned from purchasing guns. All because the CDC is proposing that healthcare workers who treat Ebola patients be placed on the no-fly list.
Our opponents kept telling us that people on the no-fly list were all terrorists that shouldn’t be allowed to purchase guns. Never mind that the list has been riddled with errors and consistently criticized for its secrecy and for the inability of those wrongly put on it to appeal.
Because our day just isn’t complete without her brand of commentary.
For your examination, Tam’s comments on the MSM’s hyperventilating on the “armed” White House intruder:
A Spyderco pocket knife… “He’s from Texas, honey,” I yelled at the television, startling the cats, “That’s not ‘armed’, that’s ‘dressed’, you island-dwelling herbivore!”
Jesus, you cud-chewing Eloi, how do you people open packages? With your teeth, like an animal?
Over on the Survival Blog is an article on keeping meds past their expiration date. Good read.
Basically, if it’s pills or capsules, those suckers can last for years past the date on the bottle. Liquid meds are another issue.
So, yeah, get that big bottle of pills from Sam’s/Costco/Amazon.
H/t Unc
Her reasons?
Among the points cited are prior attacks in the United States that the federal government refuses to classify as terrorism, including the Fort Hood attack, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the last week’s Oklahoma City beheading. Morgan has also received death threats in the past for her writing about Islam.
Another incident that weighed heavily in Morgan’s decision was an incident at her firing range several weeks ago, which she relayed to Bearing Arms this morning.
Morgan claims that two Muslim men who spoke only broken English came to her range and requested to rent semi-automatic firearms and ammunition. One of them could not produce any identification showing that he was in the country legally, and the other had a California driver’s license. Neither had any apparent firearms training. She allowed them to rent one firearm, and stood behind them the entire time they were on the range, her hand on or near her holstered Glock 19. All other patrons voluntarily vacated the firing line while they were shooting.
Let’s look at the problems:
How is she going to know who are Muslims? Muslims aren’t all olive-skinned with dark hair. Some are black, some could pass for Captain America. Hell, the largest Muslim nation is freaking Indonesia.
Who’s next? Blacks because of the rioting in Ferguson? Hispanics because of the border crisis? Atheists? Asians? Where does it stop?
As a business owner, you can deny service to anyone, but doing this does two things. First, it will put you out of business as the younger and newer shooters avoid your store like the plague it is. Secondly – and most importantly- you’re hurting the gun rights movement. We are trying to bring more people in, not alienate them.
First up, courtesy of John Richardson, a citizen who was naturalized as a child is suing Boston PD Commissioner for the PD’s refusal to accept a passport as proof of identity for a License to Carry. This is the same BPD Commissioner who has stated his opposition to anyone owning guns in the city.
The second, from Andrew Branca, is that Shaneen Allen is being allowed into pre-trial intervention. This is one of those cases we need to remember when we push for national reciprocity.