Category: Guns

Laws Are For Little People

Legal Insurrection managed to get a hold of the arrest affidavit for David Gregory. Metro PD wanted him charged, but the DA declined.

David Gregory’s a prick, but he shouldn’t have been charged for the crime. It’s a bullshit law and he was doing no physical harm. (Arguing against our rights, but not threatening anyone with physical harm). The issue is that the same DA’s office that declined to prosecute Gregory has been notorious for its vigorous prosecution of people who aren’t on the televisions. (See link in the story)

What makes him so different than the others? What made his breaking the law different than the others?

I don’t want David Gregory in jail. (Okay, I would laugh my ass off if he was, but it would still be wrong.) What I want is for the DC DA’s office to treat everyone who is caught under the District’s onerous laws to be given the same deference as to their intentions and character before making them felons.

DOJ Won’t File Charges Against Wilson

Justice Department officials have let leak that they won’t be bringing civil rights charges against Darren Wilson.

I don’t expect the “hands up” community to be happy about this, but they haven’t let little things like facts and the law sway them from their narrative anyway. They’re kind of like anti-vaxxers and young earth creationists in that way.

Why throw all those resources at this case? More importantly, why wasn’t the same level of resources devoted to John Crawford’s murder? Oh yeah, because CNN and MSNBC weren’t blaring his murder 24-7.

This is not helping my trust in the .gov.

Barbarians At the Gate

Barbarian thugs attacked a French newspaper and killed 12 because the newspaper published “offensive” satirical cartoons of Muhammad.

Over the past twenty-four hours, I’ve heard a lot of varying commenting. Many going off on Islam. I’m not going to repeat that most Muslims are peaceful. It really comes down to whether you are a civilized person or a barbarian. Currently, many – maybe most – of the barbarian cultures in the world today worship their magic sky-daddy as Allah.

Worse, the powers that be seem to have two responses to the barbarians: cower or emulate the barbarians.

Proving once again that we are on our own. The barbarians are inside the gates. Be prepared.

You Must Always Be In Control of Your Weapon

A woman was killed by her two-year-old son because he found it in her purse while at a Wal-Mart.

I’m not a fan of off-body carry, especially when there are tiny hands and inquisitive minds about. I also realize that on-body carry may not always be available, especially for women. IMHO, that means more attention needs to be paid to where the gun is and who is near it.

If you are going to be off-body carrying, please keep this incident in mind and remember to have your weapon under control at all times.

Oh, and if you’re going to use this incident to tell me why we shouldn’t have guns, you’re a fucking vulture and a blood-dancer and you can go to step on a broken Lego.

Friday Quote – Stewart Rhodes

…in Ferguson, what they’re being told is you only have two choices: 1) a hyper-militarized police state to stop violence, including arson, or 2) let it go and burn the town down. Twenty different buildings have burned to the ground. That’s a false choice.

For Ferguson in particular if…they don’t believe that the police department is legitimate, they should be protecting themselves and secure themselves because the more they secure themselves, the less reason there is for the police to be in their neighborhoods and communities. So they should take care of themselves for both reasons—to be secure, but also to be more free.

Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oathkeepers

Emphasis added.

H/t Reason

Suppressors Are Now Legal For All Hunting in Florida

From the NRA statement:

At their meeting in Key Largo, Florida, today, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission voted to remove the ban on using silencers/suppressors on pistols and rifles for hunting deer, gray squirrels, rabbits, wild turkeys, quail and crows.

Using silencers/suppressors on pistols, rifles and shotguns for all other legal hunting was already allowed.

Following the suppressor vote, the Commission also voted to authorize an Executive Order to lift the ban immediately and allow hunting with suppressors to begin at once.

Following that vote, Executive Order # EO 14-32 was signed. Using suppressor-equipped rifles, pistols and shotguns is now legal for all hunting in Florida.

This is a great victory for hunters.