Category: Guns

Update on Florida Carry and Suncoast Gun Shows

Florida Carry is reporting on the Book of Face that the Suncoast Gun Show promoters is now providing tables to Florida Carry. Apparently it was a case of Florida Carry being mistaken for another group.

So, if you’re going to the gun show, make sure to stop by the Florida Carry table and join up if you haven’t already.

Another Civil Rights Victory Brought to You By Alan Gura

You’ve been able to buy long guns in other states, but doing so with handguns has been verboten. The court has decided that’s unconstitutional.

From Reason:

“The federal interstate handgun transfer ban is unique compared to other firearms restrictions because it does not target certain people (such as felons or the mentally ill), conduct (such as carrying firearms into government buildings or schools), or distinctions among certain classes of firearms (such as fully automatic weapons or magazine capacity). Instead,” Judge O’Connor wrote in Mance v. Holder, “the federal interstate handgun transfer ban targets the entire national market of handgun sales and directly burdens law-abiding, responsible citizens who seek to complete otherwise lawful transactions for handguns.”

Some are saying this is the death knell for local magazine restrictions or “approved” guns lists. I’m skeptical. The courts have been more lenient in those areas.

Still an excellent win from Alan Gura.

Why Are Progressives So Violent?

According to Fox News, the murder of three Muslims may have been over a parking space instead of theology.

The murder of three North Carolina college students was motivated by an ongoing dispute over a parking space, despite widespread speculation the victims were targeted by an avowed atheist because of their Muslim faith, police said.

First off, this guy was batshit insane. Using him to paint all atheists and/or progressives as violent murderers is just as wrong as when they accuse Second Amendment supporters of being at fault when there’s a mass shooting.

Here’s the takeaway – the anti-gunners do view everyone, including themselves, as being similar to this asshole. We’re all just a dispute away from pulling a gun and murdering someone(s). They have no concept that those of us who own and carry guns actually try to avoid or de-escalate fights because we understand that we are carrying lethal instruments.

When they call for new restrictions on our rights, remember – this is how they see us.

When Seconds Count, 911 May Not Even Answer

One of the running memes in the gunny community is “When seconds count, the police are minutes away.”

And sometimes 911 doesn’t even answer the phone.

Jonathan Raiskin is still livid about his attempt to call Pasco County 911 on Monday when a neighbor needed help.

“I already ran out the door when I saw her pulling up. I knew there was a problem, she said Jonathan, she was hysterical, my sister is not breathing, she’s blue and cold.”

Raiskin dragged the woman out of the rain to his front porch and he and the sister tried to revive her.

When that didn’t work, he called 911.

He says he waited through 12 long rings, but there was no answer.

His father did manage to get through and medical assistance was on scene in minutes. Here’s the real kicker – after the ambulance was gone, a dispatcher called Mr. Raiskin back asking if there had been a hang-up from that number. When confronted about no one answering the phone, the dispatcher told Mr. Raiskin that it had been a busy night.

The takeaway from all of this: you cannot depend on 911 when the fecal matter impacts the turbine.

You are on your own.

Florida Carry Not Allowed At Suncoast Gun Shows?

In additions to allegations of acting like asses to their vendors, it’s being reported that the Ohio-based promotion company is refusing to rent space to Florida Carry.

Florida Carry? The organization that’s gotten us preemption with teeth, better concealed carry laws, and will probably get us campus carry. That Florida Carry.

And a gun show won’t let them set up? Seriously, WTF?

This company runs the big gun shows around me. I haven’t gone in a couple of years for two reasons: 1) they’re crowded as all hell, and 2) I can rarely get out of there without spending at least fifty bucks. I’ve purchased four guns from vendors there, and assisted the purchase of at least three more. And I’m a small consumer!

Suncoast Gun Shows, consider this my declaration: I will not attend – and will actively campaign against your shows – unless you either a) prove that Florida Carry was acting in an unreasonable manner (doubtful) or b) allow Florida Carry to rent space in your shows.

By myself, it’s probably not much, but gunnies have this nasty habit with word of mouth.

FDIC Shuts Down Operation Choke Point

The FDIC is now telling banks that they don’t have to close accounts of legitimate businesses the .gov doesn’t like.

And it’s writing new rules to stop it from happening again!

To address concerns raised about Operation Choke Point, the FDIC will now require bank examiners to put in writing any recommendation or requirement for an account termination.

The examiner will also be required to indicate what law or regulation they believe the bank or the customer of the bank is violating.

Problem 1: Someone’s rung the bell. We are going to have to watch to ensure that subsequent administrations don’t pull the same trick.

Problem 2: Banks are, by and large, conservative organizations. Having been stung once for dealing with gun and gun-related industries, they may decide the risk is not worth the reward.

Make no mistake, this is a win for liberty and RKBA. The question is whether the damage can be repaired.