Category: Guns

I Kinda Figured That Would Happen

After the election, but before all the new state officials were sworn in, I was advising all of my friends, readers, and acquaintances in Florida, “If you want your CCW or need to renew your CCW, do it NOW!” Why? Because I knew our new Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs was bought and paid for by Bloomberg.

Less than a year in, and I get a mailer for the NRA-ILA, who is citing Florida Carry. (These two aren’t always the closest of allies.)

“Mr. Eric Friday, a Jacksonville attorney and General Counsel for Florida Carry, reported today that “Despite the claims by the Commissioner there is ample evidence that the process for issuing Concealed Weapon Firearm License is not going as smoothly as she claims.”

“Florida Carry, Inc. has evidence that the Commissioner and her department are engaged in several processes to slow or delay Floridians’ ability to exercise their right to bear arms. These include using “secret” evidence that the applicants and their lawyers are not allowed to see and refusing to grant formal evidence-based hearings as a matter of routine.”

“The department is also refusing to approve licenses based on decades old arrests that are not disqualifying and using other states” (California and New Jersey among others) failure to respond to requests for records as a basis to indefinitely delay the issuance of licenses.”

“I am currently representing two clients regarding actions taken by the Department to deprive them of licenses without due process and based on information the Department knew or should have known was not reliable.”

Nikki’s doing her damndest to screw over Florida citizens on getting their CCW.

Reason Roundup

My browser is getting pretty full, and of course, a lot of those are links to articles from Reason. So, in the interest of closing browser tabs…

Irish democracy lives in New Zealand. Since the nation is pretty much an archipelago, I wonder how many “tragic boating accidents” gun owners have had down there.

From the Volokh Conspiracy comes an article about why we shouldn’t treat victims as policy experts. Both sides do it, and it’s just as wrong. Can victims become policy experts? Of course. However, using their stories to drive public policy is not a good idea. Laws named after victims are never good.

Clarence Thomas rarely speaks during SCOTUS sessions so he can bring his full force in written word. At least, that’s my head cannon. He’s disappointed me some over the last few years, but he’s still my favorite justice. Although Gorsich is quickly coming up fast.

Another good article on getting rid of qualified immunity. It’s a legal principle made up of whole cloth by judges to protect prosecutors and cops. Let the whole thing go over to the malpractice world, like most other professions.

Confessions Of a Former Climate Skeptic. A lot of folks I know think climate change is a hoax. Or if not a hoax, then it’s not as bad as the dire projections (some truth to that). I blame the activist scientists for that. The ones who immediately said that economies must be wrecked through invasive government schemes in the hopes that the Iron Law Of Bureaucracy can be subverted in this one instance. Unfortunately for both sides, climate change is real, but government cannot get us out of it. Human ingenuity and bringing people out of poverty are the keys.

Finally, we have a new law that stops the IRS from stealing money from people who have not broken the law. It’s like you need an actual crime to take people’s stuff.

Friday Quote – KrisAnne Hall

If exercising my right to keep and bear arms, my right to freedom of speech, or my right to religious liberty makes you uncomfortable, just remember… The exercise of rights is only uncomfortable to two classes of people – tyrants and slaves. Take a moment to classify yourself.

What’s In Your EDC?

This was my third speech for my local Toastmasters club. I discuss things that my fellow club members should consider including in their EDC. For most of my readers, this is probably akin to a 101 of EDC.

H&K Going Bankrupt?

According to the Military Times, Heckler & Koch is very close to bankruptcy. It’s bad enough that their auditing firm, KPMG, questioned whether the firm would be able to continue on beyond 2019.

For those of us in the gun blogosphere, we know H&K’s reputation towards civilian customers as “you suck and we hate you.” It looks like that neglect of the civilian market is going to come back and bite them.

Comments on John Wick

The Wife and I saw all three John Wick movies last weekend. We had to fast forward through the puppy death in the first one, because The Wife wouldn’t be able to watch the rest of the film otherwise. We enjoyed them, but they are violent – particularly the third.

So, this comment from The Wife kicked over my giggle box:

We watched all three of those movies, but they were so ‘roided up, it was like watching six shoot ’em ups.

Friday Quote – KrisAnne Hall

If society is honest and historically accurate, the only question that has any relevance to the gun control debate is, “Do you trust those in government, now and forever in the future, to not take your life, liberty, or property through the force of government?” If the answer to that question is “no,” the gun control debate is over.

One Step Closer to An AWB on the Ballot

The Sun Sentinel is reporting the backers of putting an assault weapons ban on the 2020 ballot collected the 100,000 signatures needed to trigger a Supreme Court review. That’s the bad news.

The good news? First, they need to collect about 625,000 more signatures to actually put it on the ballot. Second, Governor DeSantis signed into a bill into law that makes it harder for out of state interests to push their BS onto the Florida constitution. Seriously, read the link. It’s a fucking hoot of pearl clutching goodness.

This also means that I no longer feel constrained if I see them collecting signatures. Oh, I’ll be polite, but I am going to ask the hard questions. I don’t expect to change the minds of the people collecting the signatures. I’m hoping to change the minds of the people within earshot.