Category: Guns

Bushmaster Is Back

I recently discovered that Bushmaster is back in business. Right now, they’re showing off their ARs. They’re teasing a redesign of the ACR. Considering the one of the reasons I went with the Bren was because the ACR wasn’t in production, I am intrigued. I’ll add it to the “want” list.

Links, Links, and More Links

First, I heard about this on the Assorted Calibers podcast. Essentially, a gun Prohibitionist group tricked John Lott and another gun rights activist to speak to a field of three thousand empty chairs. Let’s see, you lied about (and made a fake website for) a commencement for a fake university. Yet, I’m supposed to believe that you’re telling the truth about your gun death statistics?

Next the President signed an executive order to “promote competition.” Reason has a response of yeah, not so much. Much like the original infrastructure bill, there’s a bunch of stuff in there that has no bearing and/or hurts our ability to compete.

Cuba is seeing mass protests. This could get interesting. Assuming that the Cuban government doesn’t go all Tiammenen Square on them.

And now for some lighter fare. Looks like someone is trying to reboot the Silverhawks. Considering the trend to take old cartoons and worsen the animation, I’m not hopeful. And yeah, I didn’t watch the show that much when I was a kid. That being said, I fucking loved the intro theme:

Sometimes You Come Back On Your Shield

Instead of with it. John Hurley stepped up and stopped a madman bent on killing police. Unfortunately, he was killed by responding officers who mistook him for the madman. First, let me offer my condolences to his family and friends. Mr. Hurley did a courageous thing, and I hope that offers them some comfort in their grief.

Yet, like many tragedies, this is a good incident to examine for lessons. J. KB over at Gunfreezone has a good examination of the event. I agree that Mr. Hurley should not have picked up the madman’s rifle. Also, making yourself as much a non-threat when the cops roll up is also a good lesson to take to heart.

However, you can still do everything right and end up shot by the cops. You may not know the danger is over and are still scanning for threats. They are rolling into an extreme situation. Adrenaline is pumping on all sides.

Understand that. You can do everything right and still end up dead. That’s another lesson that needs to be learned.

Ninth Circuit Judge Declares California “Assault Weapons” Ban Unconstitutional

Reason article here.

One of the big quotes coming from the decision:

…the popular AR-15 rifle is a perfect combination of home defense weapon and homeland defense equipment. Good for both home and battle, the AR-15 is the kind of versatile gun that lies at the intersection of the kinds of firearms protected under District of Columbia v. Heller

Judge Benitez issued a permanent injunction, but granted a temporary stay to allow the California AG to appeal (process underway). I understand the reasoning, but it would have been interesting to see if the gun companies could flood California with “now legal” rifles like they’ve done with magazines.

Friday Quote – Lew Rockwell

The danger to a free society is not the guns owned by the citizens but an unconstrained government, especially one that is better armed than the public. An armed society is a self-governing society, just as a disarmed people are vulnerable to arbitrary power of every kind.

Family Happenings

Pretty soon, the Ward household will be a two-teleworker household again. The Wife’s former boss (and her favorite boss) recruited her for a new virtual position with his current company. Full telework and better pay. About the only downside is that because the office is based in New Jersey, we have to pay New Jersey taxes. I am oh so thrilled about handing over money to that government. Of course, the fun part was on the same day The Wife scheduled a meeting with her supervisor to hand in her notice, The Wife’s co-worker quit without notice. Her section lost its two most experienced people.

Meanwhile, I’m dealing with another issue at work. Let’s just say an upgrade went sideways and I’m stuck using web-based version of Office apps. Yeah. Not fun. Particularly when I have one of my big monthly reports due, and IT doesn’t seem to be very responsive to getting it fixed. Fortunately, my boss is very understanding. When she’s not busy laughing at my predicament.

The Wife’s cousin flew in from Washington State, so we have our first houseguest. Since we’re the ones in the family with the spare room. It should be interesting, as this will be the first time I’ve met this individual. It’s one thing to meet new family members. It’s another thing to meet new family members and then have them stay with you. This also means my exercise is being put on hold for the rest of the week. I fear the scale on Monday.

The rifle now has a Holosun red dot and magnifier, some generic BUIS’s, and a Streamlight mounted. Now I just need time/ammo/money to zero the dot. The Brother-In-Law is willing to go with me, but our weekends are looking busy for the next month or so. Maybe we can sneak off for a couple of hours. It still needs a name. I wonder if there’s a Czech version of Vera.

Friday Quote – Joe Rogan

What is the number of veterans in this country? I mean, it’s gotta be more than a million. There are so many people in this country that really understand violence, and they’re not the ones calling for violence. They’re not the “punch a Nazi” people. The people that really understand violence, that have seen violence, that have committed violence for their country, those are the motherfuckers that you break glass in case of war. You need them and people don’t understand that. These people running around, calling for violence, calling for revolution; you are going to open a door that you can never close. And when those soldiers come pouring our of that door to defend what they think is an attack on their freedoms and their country, you’re fucked.

NRA Bankruptcy Dismissed

The NRA’s bankruptcy has been dismissed in the worst possible way. John Richardson has been doing his normal yeoman work on following the shenanigans.

Here’s his post on the dismissal of the bankruptcy.

Here’s the post with the NRA’s response.

The NRA done fucked up with this bankruptcy. The whole thing has exposed even more how WLP and coterie view the NRA – their personal piggy bank. This craven attempt to hide from the NY AG failed, and now she’s going to be able to take the scalps she wants.

Wayne needs to go. Now. Today. This very hour. The board needs to be reformed into so it can get the organization back to helping its members. And yet, I very much doubt that’s going to happen.