At least until I get some new Monday Fiction to put here, I’m probably going to use the Monday slot for links I’ve picked up that I find amusing.
First, from Reason comes an article on Japan reopening nuke plants. Per Ronald Bailey: “Japan is over its anti-nuclear Fukushima freak out. The rest of the world should get over it and build more nuclear too.”
From The Firearms Blog comes an article on Hillsborough County is arming its SRO’s with B&T APC9 subguns. Not that I’m against SRO’s having subguns, but I have to wonder if the choice was influenced by the fact that B&T’s import arm is based in Tampa.
Three items in the history files:
First, it looks like Genghis Khan’s tomb may have been found.
Second, last week was the thirtieth anniversary of Hurricane Andrew wreaking havoc across South Florida. Probably the lasting legacy of the storm: “In 1992, Hudgison says there were over 400 different building codes in the state but because of Hurricane Andrew, there’s now one uniformed code for Florida.”
Finally, from the Mises Institute comes an article on Malcolm McLean, the man credited with the innovation of the cargo container. I’ll admit that I have a fondness for those unsung inventors and entrepreneurs who develop the things we take for granted, but are the backbone of our modern world. Like cargo containers.
Finally, a couple of military tech items:
First, Lock-Mart says it’s delivered a laser weapon to the Navy for mounting on warships. The Navy has stated for a while it’s trying to get away from explosive propellant cannon and guns. Considering the danger to the ships, I can’t say I blame them. This may be the first step for that.
Second, part of the weapons the American government are sending to Ukraine include a vehicle-mounted weapons system. It includes a four-barrel rocket launcher and sensor turret. Instant technical, just add Toyota Hilux.