Author: Derek
Monday Links
The executive orders were coming fast and furious, so a lot of the Reason links will be dealing with them.
First, let’s talk about how bad Biden’s last minute preemptive pardons were.
The Volokh Conspiracy has an overview of the illegality of many of Trump’s executive orders. Then another article focusing on the EO trying to end birthright citizenship.
Trump signs EO to ban Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). I don’t have a problem with stable coins which are private cryptocurrencies pegged to the dollar or other fiat currency. I worry about when the government has control and then outlaws all others.
Trump to sign EO banning funding of gain of function research. In light of a story below, this sounds like a good idea. It would be better if Congress did its job and passed the legislation.
Trump is firing Inspectors General. I have a hard time understanding why getting rid of the watchdogs is a good idea. Especially considering how much everyone complains about government corruption, waste, and abuse.
Why Trump blanket pardoning those charged for January 6 is not a good thing. Do I think that some of the protesters were overcharged and over-sentenced? Yes. But there should have been a review to separate out the violent from the non-violent.
Why companies are ditching ESG.
Several states maintain “bias-response hotlines” and encourage people to call for “hate speech”. Because it’s a valuable “pre-crime” tool, irrespective of First Amendment protections.
Now on to other stories.
Sarah Isgur in The Dispatch has a thinkpiece on the quiet lawlessness of the Biden Administration. This one has been making the rounds and it’s a very good read. Particularly in light of one side screaming about how Trump destroys norms. He does, but it would be good if they admitted how much Biden did as well.
BBC article on the CIA now stating COVID is more likely to have leaked from a Chinese lab.
From XDR, Microsoft has renamed Office 365 to Copilot 365. Yeah, it’s annoying.
Wired reporting on how hackers managed to remotely start and unlock Subarus. The company says it’s all patched now, but as Borepatch says security isn’t often at the top of the list – most of the time isn’t on the list at all.
BBC article on a new South African law to take land without compensation when “just and equitable and in the public interest”. Nope, that won’t be abused at all.
Savatage’s guitarist discusses their plans for their comeback. I know they have a new album coming out and they’ve been doing more touring. Hopefully, I’ll be able to catch a show when they come to Tampa. Because hometown and all.
Birds of Ward Manor – Hooded Mergansers
These aren’t normal visitors, but our little pond was visited by a flock of these neat little birds. The Wife came into my office telling me there were some new black and white ducks. Which they aren’t but it was easy to make that mistake from our back window.

I couldn’t get a good pic because they were too busy running about the pond.
Monday Links
Today’s Reason links are going to be heavily dominated by the continuing fires in the Los Angeles area.
In defense of private firefighting firms. Because they’re doing the job that government doesn’t or isn’t capable of doing.
Looting is bad, so are curfews. This one I’m not so sure I agree, but it makes valid points. I can see both sides, but I tend to lean more to control of the area. Limiting chaos factors while dealing with a situation makes sense.
If California can relax permitting for rebuilding, then it can abolish the same rules. This is a good time to take a hard look at all those rules – including the ones that allow building in fire-prone areas.
But using price controls isn’t going to help with rebuilding.
More Reason articles.
SCOTUS upheld the TikTok ban in a narrow decision as leaders realized this might not be the best idea. The Supremes’ decision sounded very much “it’s okay in this case due to the facts, but probably not in others.” I’m also annoyed/amused by the leadership class running around like headless chickens because the law they were so happy to pass would actually go into effect.
No, Biden can’t unilaterally declare the ERA as part of the Constitution – and especially not by social media. This reeks of some underling getting control of the Twix account and pushing something out. It sounds like something that would happen in the waning days of the Biden administration.
The FDA is trying to ban cigarettes by making the nicotine content close to zero. Brought to you by the same folks who banned flavored vapes because it might harm children and fueled an increase in cigarette smoking in children. I swear, it’s like they think that people react exactly like they think they should just by passing a rule.
New Jersey raised its minimum wage and surprise, surprise, prices rose.
The SEC is trying to regulate NFT’s as securities instead of art.
With SHOT around the corner, here’s some TFB articles on some new guns.
S&W’s lever gun now comes in .357 Magnum. Well, that has my attention.
They also came out with a “Stealth Hunter” version. Or as I like to call it – “matte tacticool.”
Mossberg is “AR’ing” it’s 590 pump shotguns.
Now on to other stories.
From Reuters, a running log of events surrounding the Israel / Hamas ceasefire and hostage return. One hopes that this would be the beginning of rebuilding Gaza into a peaceful neighbor of Israel. One also is aware of history.
From the Colorado Sun, the Colorado legislature is looking to ban the sale and manufacture of any semi-auto that uses a detachable magazine. Also known as banning any modern firearm used by the general populace. (h/t The Reload).
An article on Apple pushing its transparency and noise cancellation modes on its AirPods. Honestly, I use these so much, that I didn’t even consider that they didn’t only have these modes.
From a local TV station, Big Cat Rescue has moved their animals to Arkansas and is selling their property. Honestly, this is probably a good move all around. BCR was in the middle of an highly developed area of Hillsborough that is growing even more.
From, the battle songs that defined the GWOT.
Forbes continues its Macross reporting with a piece on now that Macross is widely available, it could threaten Gundam’s popularity. I’ve already got Macross Zero slotted into my anime rotation.
Via The Brother, Arc Technica has a review of Civ 7. Knowing me, I’ll be uncomfortable with the changes for the first couple of months until I figure out the gameplay and then will just go to town on it.
A Stark Reminder – You Are On Your Own
Probably the most devastating fires in terms of property losses is raging through the Los Angeles area. I’m not going to discuss what caused the fire, the impact of local politics on the response, or other discourses the chattering class is currently indulging in. First, it’s too damn early to start drawing conclusions. Second, I don’t trust those who are making confident assertions this early. Kind of like the 72 hour rule around mass shootings. The people talking first are usually the least informed.
The size and speed of the fires are terrifying. I can only sympathize with the families of the dead and those who have lost their homes and possessions. I have no such sympathy for those who are taking advantage of the chaos to loot and rob. I can only hope karma and justice finds such despicable people.
It is a stark reminder that even if the government wants to help you, it may not be able. You are responsible for your own safety. You are responsible for your own preparations.
Did you make your home ready for likely natural disasters? Did you clear hazards?
Do you have an evacuation plan? For you? For your family? For your pets? Do you know where to go?
Do you have enough supplies to last your household if it’s cut off?
Do you have protection from looters?
These kinds of events are opportune times to have those hard discussions with your loved ones.
January Anime Recommendations
This was one of the most surprisingly entertaining – and bizarre – shows I’ve encountered in a while. And the opening is very entertaining.
This is a pretty decent remake of the original. I’m trying to decide if I like it because of nostalgia or because the series is entertaining.
This was an interesting isekai with a lot of earnestness.
This is a cute “found family” / “odd couple” series.