I’ve been following The Firearms Blog’s coverage of SHOT. There are some neat new stuff that intrigues me.
Palmetto State’s new shotgun looks like it could be an interesting competitor for a new semi-auto scattergun.
I’ve been intrigued by B&T’s TP9, and their new PRO is even more intriguing.
A lever gun that takes AR mags? Well, that definitely has my attention.
I’m not likely to afford a $3K pistol anytime soon. But, if I had that amount of cash lying around to splurge on a gun, this would definitely be a contender.
A bullpup 9 mm that would take my M&P mags? This kind of looks like a concept I’ve thought about for years. This might be one of those where I would buy the pistol version. But $1500 makes it a maybe.
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