Halloween Happenings – Ward Manor was invaded by the great niece so she could trick or treat in our neighborhood. This year, she decided to be a police officer. We set up our table at the end of the driveway and handed out little trinkets. We avoided handing out candy because, well, that means having candy in the house. I will say the best costume goes to the next door neighbors. Not because they dressed up their 13-month-old as an Ewok, but because they turned his stroller into an Imperial Speederbike.
Orlando Happenings – The Wife and I spent the last few days in Orlando so that I could go to the Babymetal concert.
Sunday, The Wife and I traveled over to Disney Springs. We got there shortly before everything opened up and made a beeline to the Lego store. Because, if you’ve never been, they limit the number of folks into the store. The line gets long the later in the day. From there, we meandered through the different stores. They closed their big Star Wars shop and enlarged the smaller one. Not sure if that’s permanent or what. From there, we went up to get some groceries. Much to our surprise, there was a hot pot place advertising boba tea next to the Publix. So, we enjoyed boba while we picked up groceries. From there, we trekked over to the Airbnb. Which was in a place that was kind of like a hotel/apartment thing? I dunno. We had some fun with the door lock, but got all of the stuff dragged in. Then came setting up the workstations. I found some portable monitor/laptop stands. These improve the workstations a lot more. The Wife got the small dining table, while I got the much smaller desk in the bedroom.
Monday was a work day. I will say using laptop stands improved working remotely. Which was good because the day job threw me a quick turnaround – as in same-day – analysis. The internet at the AirBnB wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t the worst we’ve had to deal with on our travels. The chairs were in the same vein – not great, not the worst. We ordered dinner in from Carrabba’s – which neither of us had eaten from in quite a long time. Tuesday work day was similar, with the exception of my work headphones acting up.
Concert Happenings – There was some discussion on whether I should bring my sling bag or not. I ended up deciding against it because it would be one more thing going through security. Plus, I’ve never been to the Hard Rock at Universal – and I always get a bit anxious with new places. When I arrived the line was – shall we say long? I will give them credit, once the doors opened, the line moved pretty smoothly.
The good news was that I had a seat in the center of the stage. The bad news was that the seat was probably in the top row.
The opening act was Scene Queen. Grindcore with a female lead. Kind of like Letters From The Fire meets Bloodhound Gang. Not my cup of tea. At least the singer’s voice didn’t hurt my head like the lead singer from Edge of Paradise.
Babymetal puts on a good show. The girls are very energetic and played a lot of their hits. I will say that through my AirPods Pro I was using as earpro, you could definitely tell how produced they are. Still, even with that, I really enjoyed it.
Plus when the concert was over and the house sound came back on, I got to hear a couple of thousand metalheads sing the refrain from “Take Me Home, Country Roads.” I may have joined in the festivities.
Here’s a couple of pics:

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