Reason links first.

Tariffs could increase console prices by $250.

U of M spent a quarter of a billion on DEI and made students unhappier. While I’m glad we’re getting empirical data on how bad these programs are, the damage is going to be far worse than wasting that much money.

Secondhand smoke dangers are getting a second look.

And another attempt at buying off voters – I mean, student loan forgiveness.

A thinkpiece on reforming Social Security.

Time for Ground News aggregations.

Lufthansa had to pay a fine for mistreating Jewish passengers. There’s something very wrong about this.

FTC institutes rule for click to cancel. Okay, there are something I would like to see, but I don’t like the FTC just making a regulation. It sounds like if this was a real issue, then Congress should do its damn job.

Amazon is going nuclear to power its future data center needs.

On to other stories!

WSJ article about Google joining Microsoft and Amazon in jumpstarting the nuclear power race. Better yet, both Google and Amazon are looking into current and future generation reactors that aren’t focused on creating nuclear warhead material.

Reuters article on the pager bombs Israel slipped Hezbollah.

ArsTechnica on the death of Ward Chrstenssen who created BBS’s.

Business Insider on China getting into the tilt-rotor game. Hope they have as much fun getting it to work as our military has had.

Cats beating babies at word association. (h/t Tam)

A couple of RKBA stories.

The Reload reports on the current NRA EVP finding himself in a scandal due to an animal cruelty charge from his college days.

John Richardson is on the ballot for NRA Board of Directors.

A couple of hurricane-related stories.

From Tampa Bay Times, an explainer on why some neighborhoods got the power back faster than others.

In true Tampa fashion, some local businesses are thanking linemen for their hard work by providing free/discounted services. Namely, the strip clubs. Welll, heck, why not lean into the rep?