Day Job – Last week, I received the tentative offer to get my old day job back. I was expecting the call the prior week, but apparently there were issues. This means I’m going to be at my current job at least a couple of weeks longer than I hoped.

Birthday Party – The great-niece had her family birthday party at Ward Manor over the weekend. The Wife and MIL made a cupcake cow cake. They did an amazing job that was easily as good as we would have gotten from a bakery. The Wife and I got her a digital camera. This led to the little tyke running around the house taking pictures of anyone and anything that would stay still long enough.

Anniversary – The Sunday before Labor Day is the agreed upon anniversary of The Wife and mine’s first date. We always try to go to the same restaurant. There was a lot of reminiscing about how much our lives have changed int the intervening years.

Writing – I think I’m a couple of scenes away from finishing the main narrative on my fantasy novel. I’m still figuring out how to use flavor texts to give some of the necessary backstory. Still, there’s light at the end of that particular tunnel.