I like to peruse the Gunbroker listings for one of the big local chains. Last month, I saw what looked like a Hi-Power clone for cheap. I’ve been wanting a Hi-Power, but really didn’t want to spend the money for a Browning or even a Springfield. Maybe a Girsan. But this was an FEG P9R. Looked in decent condition, so I put a bid in for a couple hundred bucks.

About ten hours before the the auction closed, someone bid $205. I was going to let it go, but The Wife encouraged me to throw a little extra. I ended up winning for $210. Yay! I have a Hi-Power clone.

Except as I was doing research I found out that the some versions of the P9 will take Hi-Power magazines. The P9R, however, will not. And the only group currently producing new mags is Pro-Mag. That group doesn’t exactly have a sterling reputation in Ward Manor after I bought some of their mags for my Sig P6. Feck it, I’ll deal.

In a previous Ward Manor Happenings post, I mentioned that The Wife and I went out to Apopka. Well, that’s where this chain handles their Gunbroker auctions. Silly me, I thought after winning the auction, I would be able to go pick it up the next day. Yeah, no. Apparently, it had to be processed, and the guys who process the auctions don’t work weekends. Whee! Ah well, that ended with us hitting Disney Springs and me getting new lightsabers.

Last weekend, The Wife and I made the trek out to Apopka after making sure the pistol was available. On a holiday weekend, I thought it would take a while for NICS to come back, but we were in and out in under a half-hour.

And now I have my semi-Hi-Power clone.