Monday Links will return next week. I needed a break.

I saw this meme on the Book of Faces and thought it was a good example of creating a deceptive meme with a false comparison.

The reason is to drive a schism between people. To create outrage in some. To make others feel justified in their position. It’s not to educate, enlighten, or enhance the discussion. It’s just there for emotion.

The point of this meme is supposed to make people think tacos are more regulated than guns and outrage them. Except it’s a false comparison. It’s comparing the regulations of running a business compared to the rules buying a product. You will notice it makes no mention of all the regulations surrounding the selling of firearms. Or the lack of regulations in purchasing a taco.

If I see a meme that makes me angry, it behooves me to stop and ignore it. Because I’m not going to let the bastards win. If someone asks me about them, I will do my best to use my critical thinking skills to find the truth. Because I’m not going to let the bastards win.

Here’s a list of logical fallacies to remember to help with thinking critically.