This is going to be a bit more of a rant on our current election state. Not the candidates, but how we’re selecting the candidates.

Yesterday, I changed my party affiliation from Libertarian to Republican. No, I haven’t suddenly drank the MAGA Kool-Aid. I’m still the fiercely minarchist person. So, why would I change?

My county commissioners have been acting in a rather craven manner for their backers. They’ve also shut down almost all forms of public redress. And they’re actively going after critics or anyone who dares challenge them. Then they hide behind a smokescreen of culture war issues that have no bearing on, you know, making sure the county runs. That infrastructure is built to handle the massive influx of residents. That our local resources are preserved so that we can continue to draw tourists to our area. Needless to say, I am displeased by the current crop. Maybe one or two exceptions.

Manatee County is bright red. As in Irish Yankee spent too much time on the beach without sunscreen red. My only chance to vote against the incumbents will not be at the general election in November, but the primaries in August. And Florida has a closed primary system. So, I have to forsake my Libertarian affiliation so that I can vote against the bastards damaging my home county.

Herein starts the rant. Primaries should not be to choose the parties’ candidate. Primaries should be to winnow a field of candidates down for the general election. Party affiliation should be considered more as an endorsement, like getting approved by the Chamber of Commerce. I don’t really care how the parties select their candidates (elections, smoke-filled rooms, gladiatorial combat).

I just want to see better candidates.