I don’t have really enough links to do a Monday Links post. So, I’m going back in time to present a handful of cartoon series that shaped my love of anime and storytelling.

This is the first one I really remember. I even had a birthday cake with the main villain on it. It wouldn’t be until I was an adult that I learned how “kiddified” they made it to play on American television.

This next one gave me an intro to a series with a long story arc. Plus, I would sing the theme song ad nauseum.

Then of course, was the penultimate influence on my early childhood in terms of anime and storytelling.

I’m going to give this one an honorable mention, as I think it had more influence on my tastes, but I really didn’t realize it at the time.

I’m also giving these two as honorable mentions for cementing my love of anime, but not to the degree as the others.