This is going to be a bit long and scattered. That’s what happens when I have a couple weeks’ worth of links.
Let’s get the obligatory Reason/Volokh Conspiracy links out of the way.
The FDA is lying about vaping. Is it better than not smoking? Nope. Is it better than smoking? Oh hell yes.
CBO is projecting huge deficits. This is my shocked face.
Welcome new rent control, same as old rent control. I swear, it’s like no one understands how this is a bad thing.
Let’s go on to some gun-related articles.
First, Tam has a post about psychologists and guns.
TFB has one about a federal judge slapping down ATF – on how it defines what constitutes a firearm.
Gun Digest has an article on debunking revolver myths.
The coward Scot Peterson has been acquitted. Which, to those of us who know that the cops have no duty to protect, is unsurprising.
Here’s a couple of think pieces.
From Mike Munger, an article on the good versus the perfect. It’s not what you think.
From Ben Thompson, an analysis of the latest kerfuffle between the FTC and Amazon.
Our final link is from Active Response Training on medical care for cats.
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