About a month ago, The Wife’s niece got a new gig that was work from home. This will be the first time that her niece had done a work-from-home job. So, we offered her a chance to come over and work from Ward Manor. After all, we have better internet, can provide a better setup, and the MIL can help watch our toddler great niece.
Niece came over last weekend to set up. There was great shuffling of furniture and other things to get her workstation in the upstairs living room. We were hampered on where we could place her workstation because her new job required a hardwired internet connection. Um, what? Yep, no wifi. Must be connected directly to the router.
I dug through my box’o’cables and came up with one long enough. Which is why I have a box’o’cables.
Not sure how long this arrangement will last. But it will be interesting.
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