It’s been a year since Russian started their full invasion of Ukraine – although there’s been a low-grade war in eastern Ukraine since 2014. Much to everyone’s surprise, Ukraine wasn’t just steamrolled over. Some of that was due to the fighting spirit of Ukrainian people, but some was due to the complete ineptitude and corruption of the Russian Army. Much to no one’s surprise, the tribes have taken their positions on the conflict, and sent out their flying monkeys to keep their members in line – particularly those of the chattering classes.
My initial thought is that we should be doing whatever we can to help Ukraine. They were the ones invaded. They are the ones who are facing the destruction of their country without provocation. Yet, do we risk a nuclear confrontation with Russia over Ukraine?
I’m also concerned about how the sanctions were laid down on Russia. How quickly the main, and mostly Western, financial system turned on Russia. Why? If Russia is the aggressor? Because we’re seeing the rise of a secondary system with China at its helm.
So, what should we do? Honestly? I think we let the Ukranians buy whatever arms the world will sell them and get the governments out of the way. Maybe making loans that would allow them buy whatever we can sell them.
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