It came time for me to renew my NRA membership, and this year I chose not to send them money. According to The Reload, I’m not the only one.
It wasn’t just the allegations of corruption in the leadership of the NRA. It wasn’t just the botched bankruptcy or the constant legal woes. It wasn’t just the failure of the organization to help against the recent gun control pushes. It wasn’t just the board handing all the money over to Wayne LaPierre to fight his own legal battles. It was all of these things – and one more. It was the fact that my vote didn’t count. That my vote for the board – the one reason I still sent my money since 2019 – was essentially shit-canned so that hand-picked sycophants could get their own turn at the trough.
If the NRA wants me back – and people like me back – I need to see some real reform. I need to see WLP and his cronies removed. I need to see the board reformed to a real oversight organization.
I need the NRA to be what it should be. An organization that helps mold new shooters by teaching them the basics. That helps them in their journey through continuing courses. That has a strong political arm to help protect our rights – and not wading into other culture war bullshit.
I see some solid moves to that end, and I will be the NRA.
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