This weekend we had plans. Great plans. You know what they say about plans…
Saturday should have been relatively simple. We had to take the Ward Wagon back to the dealership to get a coating put on. It was something we purchased when we bought the Ward Wagon. The trick was that the dealership is an hour and a half north of us. The plan was to get there when they opened, which meant we were going to need to leave at oh-dark-early. At least for The Wife. She likes to sleep in on the weekends. Everything went fine. A little bit longer than we anticipated, but no major issues. I even got some writing done on the third Irregulars story (I’ll finish that. I promise.). Then we went to The Brother’s since we were not too far from him – not close, but not far compared to Ward Manor. He’s getting some roommates due to a rent increase and is in purge mode. We were getting some of his castoffs. As we were taking items back out, we realized that the service folks had taken out our trunk organizer – and failed to put it back in. Grumble, grumble, grumble. It was another half-hour back to the dealership. Then another 100 minutes to get home. Well, we did make one stop to a store we both hadn’t visited.
The Sunday before Labor Day is usually the day The Wife and I celebrate our first date by going back to the restaurant. From the annoyances on Saturday, and some other items, we decided we would just go to the restaurant on Monday. This is what we call in the writing world as foreshadowing. Most of Sunday was taken up with The Wife and MIL putting up decorations around the house.
Monday we decided would be a mostly TV day. Just as an aside, I decided to check the restaurant hours in case they were changed for Labor Day. Well, they hadn’t. Unfortunately, that was because the restaurant is closed on Mondays.
I guess we’ll try next weekend.
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