Hmm… It looks like even WaPo is realizing that black women are buying more guns. They also realize there are more than just the stereotypical firearms trainers out there.
Probably to get some actual carbon-free sources, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is going to certify a new nuclear reactor design. From the ArsTechnica article: “The design, from a company called NuScale, is a small modular reactor that can be constructed at a central facility and then moved to the site where it will be operated.” Hopefully, they can use this to start decommissioning some of the older traditional plants.
I’m just going to steal TFB’s headline for this one. “The Gunshine State: Florida Ranks Only 41st in FFL Numbers.” This is both annoying and somewhat unsurprising.
On to some lighter items:
Those crazy Hungarians! Who else but the descendants of Steppe barbarians would decide the best way to fight a big fire was to mount a couple of jet engines to a tank.
From The Brother (who is a board game addict): SABATON HAS A BOARD GAME!
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