Since I posted about getting my grandpa’s shotgun yesterday, I started thinking about what do I want to add to the armory. Currently I’m thinking on:
An upgraded sidearm – I’m thinking on getting an M&P9 2.0 since that would allow me to use the same magazines and holsters. I’m not adverse to changing systems, but it would have to be something with plenty of accessory support. I mean, I love my Steyr L9A1, but finding a holster or spare mags is a pain.
Semi-Auto 12-gauge shotgun – I’d like something in the traditional form like a Benelli. This is where I’d need to test a few out to make sure which one I’d want.
.22LR Double Action Revolver – This would be for plinking and trigger practice. I’d like a Smith or a Ruger, but I’d avoid the LCR. It just doesn’t feel comfortable in my hand.
9mm PCC AR – I keep thinking I’d like to do this a project gun and build it up so that it would take the same magazines as my sidearm. However, I know me well enough that if I could find one pre-built, I’d probably pick that up.
.357 Lever Gun – I always like levers, and one in a caliber I currently shoot would be good. Speaking of…
Full size .357 Revolver – I have a snubby, but I’d like something in a four or five-inch barrel. Again, Smith or Ruger.
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