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- Finally got my standing desk to work after replacing one of the legs. Now, to get used to standing for the work day. The nice thing is the desk has a whiteboard top, which makes quick note taking easy.
- My sister-in-law asked us if we’d received our housewarming gift yet. After telling her no, she said that USPS said it had been delivered, and she was a little concerned because it “was alive”. Which piqued my curiosity enough to run out to the mail kiosk. Instead of individual mailboxes, the development has something akin to an apartment complex’s mail kiosk. Yeah, it was plants. Two very cute plants in two very cute kitty planters.
- After years of having water and ice in the fridge door, we forgot how much of a pain it is to have to make your own ice. Still no ETA on when our actual fridge will appear.
- The robots are loose! Well, they’re up and vacuuming again. The fun part is figuring out how to block the stairs so the upstairs one doesn’t take a nasty tumble. It’s already having fun with the feet of my new desk and the standing pad.
- The cats are acclimating. They’re better at coming down at meal times. Only one of them will use the pet door to the back porch. I figure we got another month at least before they settle into normal crazy from moving crazy.
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