This past weekend, Borepatch was nice enough to organize a blogshoot for a bunch of us.
Here is Borepatch’s initial AAR.
Here is some stuff from Miguel.
As for me, it was nifty to finally meet people who I only knew from the interwebz. It was also unusual for me, as this was done at an outdoors range. I’m used to shooting indoors, and not used to using unloaded flags. I was also unsure about when to shoot and when to be standing back. I’m also horrible about asking things. I’ll do better next. This is not a critique of the organizers, just my own foibles.
Overall, much fun was had. I also came back with more ammo than I left with due to a donation of 150 rounds of .32 from Divemedic. He no longer has a gun that shoots it, and I was more than willing to take it off of his hands.
Borepatch was talking about doing this quarterly, with the next one in February. It may also rotate locations to make it easier for others to attend.
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