Over the weekend, I hit a milestone. I reached 1,000 days of tracking what I eat. I will admit, some days are more accurate than others. I do my best, but it’s difficult on bye-weeks to make sure I’m logging everything.
So, where am I at? My goal is to maintain 200 lbs. At last check-in, I was around 205. I’ve been struggling with losing the weight I gained from the holiday celebrations.
I’m also feeling a bit of fatigue. I know this intellectually, and there are days when I start wondering what the damage would be for me to just let loose. Then, I have to remember why I did this. I write this not to gain sympathy. I write this for anyone in my admittedly small audience who is feeling the same struggle. I think this is normal, and it can be overcome.
I am going to keep working to get back to 200. I am going to have setbacks, but I can’t accept them as anything other than temporary setbacks.
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