I am getting so tired of everything must be dragged into the political. If anything doesn’t toe the party line exactly, it must be destroyed. Publix recently got dragged into this when one side got mad about the company’s donations to a Republican politician, and then the other side got mad because Publix decided the backlash was enough to kill all of its political contributions.
I’m fucking tired of it. Here’s the message I sent to Publix:
I am sorry to see Publix being dragged through the mud by both sides in this latest flare up. I fully support Publix’s right to contribute to causes and persons it chooses. I also support Publix’s decision to no longer contribute.
I have been a lifelong Publix customer and will continue to be so. I have joked with coworkers about refusing to move to any place that doesn’t have a Publix. For all the talk of boycotts, please know there are plenty of us who will continue to patronize your stores. Because Publix means high quality, excellent prices, and outstanding staff. As long as those continue to be core pillars for Publix, you will have my business.
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