Turning Money Into Noise Is Fun

Range Report:

1. Still having the flinch issue. Getting better, but my shots are still clustering low. I’m looking forward to getting my SIRT M&P to work on trigger issues.

2. Grandpa’s M-1 Carbine is such a nice little rifle. I do so love shooting it. The only thing I need is some more magazines. And some more .30 Carbine ammo. Lots of .30 Carbine. 

3. Next time Mom comes down, she’s going to be looking into the introduction to handguns class at the range. I half-joked that she needed the class to break all the bad habits that she picked up from me. 



  1. Just passed on a sweet deal for a Sig Mosquito. Got to the point of making an offer when it was mentioned the pistol runs best on CCI mini-mags. Guess what is the rarest .22LR to find in CA?

  2. It’s almost to the point I want to pick up a 9mm AR because it would be cheaper to run.

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