We’re back again my friends for another pair of “good video”/”shit video”. I like to start off with the crap video so the good one washes it out of your eyes.

So, there are three general kinds of videos:

  1. Art Pieces – These are frequently shots of the band doing the song cut together with either vintage footage or little clips to provide an “art-house film” vibe. I don’t get these. Maybe I’m just dense.
  2. Live/Roadshow – Pretty common, these are shots of the band playing the song in a room or at a concert. Often there are scenes of set up/tear down or traveling from one show to another. I like to think of these as “safe” videos.
  3. Storytime – Here. Here is where things usually go off the damn rails. Sometimes for good and sometimes for oh-holy-crap-why-was-this-filmed?

“Art Show”

The first of today’s videos is an old one from Samael. Samael started off as a black/death metal band and eventually mutated into an electronica/metal band. Today’s song comes from the album Passage, which was their first major change from the death metal band they were and into the band they’d eventually become.

Passage however, Passage was special. Pretty much an entire album of epic, symphonic, and most importantly really good songs.

And for a video they do this:

A blue art piece for one of the weakest songs on the album (though still a damn good song). But why the hell didn’t they do a video for Rain or The Ones Who Came Before?

The world will never know…

Delightfully Off the Rails

Here is an example of a “Storytime” video gone completely off the rails. Hilarious in concept and excellent in execution I present Lamb of God‘s Redneck.

As a final note, OMFSM that riff… that riff says “Someone is about to get fucked up“. The closest I’ve ever heard to that riff for screaming “there’s about to be a fight” is ZZ Top’s La Grange.