I can understand the desire to push back against the encroaching imperial federal government and its hordes of heavily armed response teams. Especially with the increasing visibility of police acting badly with little or no accountability.
Still, is the Bundy fight really where we want to make our stand? Is this the ground that we are willing to possibly spill and shed blood?
When I started carrying, I noticed that I was far more cautious about what I involved myself in. Somethings just weren’t worth the possibility that something could escalate beyond my control and result in me drawing my pistol. I had to decide what are the real stakes and what was truly valuable to me, both in real and philosophical terms.
So, now I’m watching some of the interwebz congratulating themselves on staring down The Man. Thankfully, some of the bigger blogs are pointing out that Bundy didn’t have a legal leg to stand on.
Am I glad that someone in the federal chain of command realized that it might not look good to have a firefight with a civilian militia? Absolutely.
Do I think there will come a time when the armed citizenry will have to step up to prevent further abuses by the .gov and its legion of thugs? Unless some radical change occurs yes.
Do I think the Bundy spat was that time and place? No.
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