The Japanese have attached a cannon to the ISS. Supposedly, it’s for launching small satellites called Cubesats.
blockquote>J-SSOD stands for JEM Small Satellite Orbital Deployer. According to the Japanese space agency, “it is a mechanism for deploying small satellites designed in accordance with CubeSat design specification (10cm×10cm×10cm) that transfers the satellites from the Japanese Experiment Module Kibo’s airlock to space environment and releases them on orbit.<\blockquote>
Don’t be misled! This is the first-generation KEW launcher for the UN!*
*Yeah, I know that’s so much bullshit. I just wanted to see what sort of readers that spiel would bring. Actually, it’s pretty damn cool.
H/t Tam
April 9, 2014 at 7:32 pm
That’s a subtle way of thnniikg about it.