This has been making the rounds:


I’m sure the author of this thought it was a noble statement against violence. It’s not. It’s a complete capitulation to those that would do harm to others. How does the author of this expect to stop someone bent on taking another’s life? Strong commands? Taser? Fisticuffs?

This type of thinking is so alien to me, I can’t comprehend how someone who is a father would believe it. Avoiding violence is a good thing, but what kind of father would not defend his children’s lives?

BTW, standing in front of your children and taking the bullets is not saving them. It is delaying the inevitable. At that moment, you must be prepared to do anything, including kill, to prevent their deaths. If this thought is abhorrent to you, please don’t pass along your genes or culture because you have all the survival instinct of an armadillo on a highway.