So, just like a lot of us, I have been swept in buying what I can get my hands on. Right now, I’m trying to get a hold of a pair of S&W M&P 9mm pistols. I went up to the new gun store/range and they didn’t have my pistols in. Instead, I found a single box of ammo for my AR and quickly purchased it.
Fast forward to today. Since I have the day off, my friend and I went out to the new range since it will take anything up to .308 on the pistol range. I brought my S&W M&P-15, since I’d never actually put rounds downrange through it. First mag, no prob. Green tips, wonderful groups. Then I loaded the ammo from the box I’d purchased the week. Not only was there no boom, the bullet didn’t extract. This was a bit disconcerting.
So we when we got home, we popped off the upper receiver, checked the firing pin, and the had the bullet drop to the floor. My friend picked it up.
Friend: Well, there’s your problem.
Me: What?
Friend: This is .222 Remington, not.223 Remington.
Me: This is what I get for panic buying ammo. Maybe this means I should get a .222 rifle. You know, since I already have the ammo.
So the moral of the story: When panic buying, make sure to read the box!
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