I did something today that a year ago I swore I’d never do. Today, I rejoined the NRA. This is the organization that back stabbed Florida gun owners over open carry. This is the organization that seemed to go out of its way to piss me off because I don’t fit their normal demographic. Yet, I still not only joined, but helped one of my friends join. Why?

Two reasons. One, because as bad as they piss me off, the NRA is going to be the most effective lobby group against the oncoming tidal wave of anti-gun legislation. In this kind of fight, As Sebastion put it, “we have to go to war with the NRA we have, not the NRA we want.”

Second, I can change the NRA far more effectively as a member instead of as a lone blogger. Right now, the NRA ranks somewhere between uneasy ally and my enemy’s enemy. If I want it to be more, I will have to help change it from the inside.

This is something I didn’t want to do, but something that I feel the times have demanded of me.