Monster Hunter Legion, the latest in the Monster Hunter series by the Larry Corriea released this week. I am grateful that the audio version dropped the same week as the dead-tree version. First, because I don’t have to spend long weeks avoiding spoilers in the gun blogs. Secondly, in my day job, there are long stretches that I can fill up with podcasts or audiobooks. The audio versions of the MH books are awesome and are part of my normal “EDC” of audiobooks on my phone. I’ve listened to just over half so far, and Legion is keeping up with its predecessors and looks to surpass.
A special congratualtions and thank you goes out to Robb Allen, whose Tampa-based MHI team was included in this book. As a fellow resident of Tampa, it was exciting to hear the Sticks of Fire team mentioned. May he enjoy his contribution to the MH-verse to the fullest extent possible. (Slightly jealous because in my infite stupidity, I didn’t get my own team submitted in time).
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