Although there was a lot of good information from the speakers, there were a few that just turned me off. I realize that the base of the gun rights movement is the stereotypical mature, white, Christian conservative male, and that the speakers pissing me off were probably very good for that demographic. That said, that demographic is shrinking as more and more new shooters come into the community.
I’ll post on the panels more as go over my notes.
What did surprise me was the number of people I met while Kenn and I were smoking our cigars. We met a lot of the Florida Carry group. We also met with Paul Lathrop Raquel Okyay from the Politics and Guns podcast. I found out that Raquel is from my neck of the woods, and we both share a burning hatred of Hillsborough County Sheriff David Gee. Kenn even talked to a couple of the guys from Madison Rising.
I swear, if I get to go to another of these, I’m starting a smoking lounge.
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