Miguel links to this article on FoxNews about the Marines spending $22.5 million for new Colt 1911s for their special operations contingent. Miguel goes on to make several of the same points that I thought when I first heard about the purchase.
Sitting in my gun safe is a 1911. Admittedly, it’s on long-term loan from a friend who can’t use it where he is right now. I love shooting that pistol. I absolutely hate breaking it down and cleaning it. Field stripping it takes so much longer than my Sig or even my Diamondback. I can understand the desire to carry a sidearm chambered in .45 ACP. So why get the 1911 when there are so many better alternatives for field carry. Miguel mentions the Glock 21 and the FN FNP. I would add the HK45 and the S&W M&P. All of these are lighter, carry more ammo, shoot just as well, are probably just as, if not, more durable, and easier to strip.
I expect a certain amount of conservatism in the military establishment. It’s easier to trust the system that’s been proven to work when your life is on the line. I still think that whoever decided on this purchase is sacrificing the better for the trusted.
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