So I was in training for the last two days for work. Part of the training is identifying stakeholders and the impact of our actions on stakeholders. The instructor’s quip was along the lines of log when we talk about stakeholders, we’re not talking about someone who’s holding a sirloin with a pair of tongs. I’m thinking:
Really? I would’ve gone with more of we’re not talking about a vampire hunter’s assistant.
Then I realized that most of the people around me would have taken a few minutes before catching up with me.
I am such a nerd.
August 17, 2012 at 5:03 am
Other things my dear brother texted me during his training:
– “Presenter relates the first time she’d heard of “alignment” was from her car. General agreement from audience. I am so far out of the norm.”
– “Send me the link”
Really, there was only that first one that was interesting…