So in the August 9 issue of the TBT (sorry, they don’t have it set up for me to link directly to the article) had a big front page splash on the NRA supporting a bill in the 2013 legislative session that would allow open carry in Florida. Well, welcome to the party. Never mind that you stabbed us in the back the last time.
The current law allows for “accidental” exposure of the firearm, but too much is left up to the individual police officer’s discretion. If Officer Friendly decides that you exposed your weapon in a way that is not covered under the law, then you get carted to jail and charged with a felony. Considering the tone from the top (I mean you Hillsborough County Sheriff David Gee), I am still somewhat paranoid that my weapon stays covered and concealed.
If the NRA wants to lend their weight to the open carry fight, I will gladly welcome their support. My money, however, will continue to go to Florida Carry. They have never wavered in their support for those of us who carry for self-defense. I really should go to one of their open-carry fishing events, but I hate fishing.
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